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Trucks on Display


Below is a sampling of the many trucks on display in our Trucking Hall of Fame® Exhibit Hall. Check out our app for more information, photos, and an audio recording for each truck.  Click here to download.

1986 GMC Astro

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GMC and Chevrolet, both owned by General Motors, wanted to be in the semi market in the '80s; this is a 1986 GMC Astro. General Motors has a very good dealer network and they tried to take advantage of that, but they were never a very popular truck. They were a well-made and well-designed truck, but one of the downfalls was that their main offering was a two-stroke Detroit diesel which had fallen out of favor with drivers. They leaked and used a lot of oil. Furthermore, they don't have great torque, so you shifted a lot if you had a Detroit. This was about the time that length laws for trucks went away, so the cab-over style was no longer necessary. It had the advantage of being shorter, but the driver sat directly over the front axle so the ride was rougher. It has a ladder but was still not comfortable to get in and out of. This 1986 GMC Astro is a day cab (a cab without a sleeper). It was also a test truck, so it has very low miles on it. You don't see any GMC or Chevrolet trucks on the road now. General Motors sold their business to White; it was called White GMC for a while before it was bought by Volvo. Top Speed: 80 MPH

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